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ayrton senna 87
S2 licensed
it wont be 'nutter' it will be 'absolutely insane'

is there anyone who has done this yet? i dont follow LFSW so much anymore...
ayrton senna 87
S2 licensed
i think the winners of the event on sat can buy the devs the drinks!!!

i always said i would buy the devs a drink for such a great game, i never thought that theres a slight possibility that it could actually happen!
ayrton senna 87
S2 licensed
maybe u lot go to the cinema or summat if u have some time to kill

its very close to the station, and walace and gromit is on!
ayrton senna 87
S2 licensed
or 'unemployed' rank
Last edited by ayrton senna 87, .
ayrton senna 87
S2 licensed
GP4Flo - Best time to meet you would be 11:37, i dont think the abbington park meeting is happening, because its a huge place, and people wouldnt be able to find it etc.

i think we will just be walking round town and stuff for the moment
ayrton senna 87
S2 licensed
pick up some grid girls

maybe us people could meet at the train station and take an excursion into town to see the sights, i know everything about it.

did you know that a movie was filmed here recently, currently at the cinemaograph?

damn ive said all of the intresting things about northampton already...

anyway me and tristan and TAA are off to GP at about 1 to get some filming done, so we have time to go to town i think...
ayrton senna 87
S2 licensed
12:37 sounds good! u are getting train? me and tristan will meet you there, just look for 2 cool guys, then look to the left and u shall see us.

EDIT : actually, knowing trains, maybe u should get the 11x then we can walk round town or summat
Last edited by ayrton senna 87, .
ayrton senna 87
S2 licensed
and TAA, it will be great to have a camera man! what time will you be arriving, we need to get the track walk etc recorded pretty early.

turn 3 will be a good spot to watch from, so is the bridge at turn 1, specially for the start the harpin will be a good spot too, looks like you will be convering more miles than the racers lol

heres some vids from today, i carried my phone in 1 hand while driving, and to add to that shouting at swifty through handfree phone
Last edited by ayrton senna 87, .
ayrton senna 87
S2 licensed
ayrton senna 87
S2 licensed
i was merely helping scotty!

by the way i think that whoever wins can have the honor of buying the devs a drink!

EDIT : lol, we have almost 600 posts about this topic, imagine how many we will get to after the event
Last edited by ayrton senna 87, .
ayrton senna 87
S2 licensed
DaHoe : yea, they provide you with a race suit, helmet, (very bad) gloves, no need to worry if you dont bring your own kit. although i believe for events like these they have some higher quality suits, which are not used very often and are well looked after, so no need to worry!

if you have some motorbike gloves or similar i would reccomend bringing them because the gloves they have there are very uncomfortable, dont help ONE bit and look silly to say the least.

3J : i used to work there a few years ago lol, i havnt been secretly practising!
ayrton senna 87
S2 licensed
just bring t shirt and jeans, i dont usually wear any t shirt or jeans under my suit, but i would reccomend wearing them for GP or u may get crabs or something.

basically, bring as much of your own kit as you can, not only is it less likely to smell of arm pits, but its easier to distinguish drivers from other drivers.

thin soled shoes are pretty helpful too, i dont wanna see sandals fellas!
ayrton senna 87
S2 licensed
18,000 calories of oil, thats not flavour, thats just to make up the 30k

the guys a sandwich making bandit
ayrton senna 87
S2 licensed
Quote from GP4Flo :I'll be wearing a dE LFS shirt, but I probably won't be the only one

i bet you will be the only one, you were the only guy in the world to receive a dE shirt!

and i hope tristan wears his summary shirt that he wore in the MOMO vid!
ayrton senna 87
S2 licensed
dont TRY to go fast, just focus on being smooth, and play on all different tracks and cars, and speed shall come, my young apprentice!
ayrton senna 87
S2 licensed
name tags are a great idea! there will be many spectators, i would estimate 30-40 million.

im sure we can all recognise vic and scawen, and ill be wearing my racing suit, swifty will be wearing my other one. tristan is the one with the 'hairdressers' car!

maybe we can sort something out with the nametags :
ayrton senna 87
S2 licensed

or u shall grow too fat to fit in the UFR!
ayrton senna 87
S2 licensed
i expect that the sandwich is his whole years salt and fat allowance


you could feed a few third world countries on that bad boy
ayrton senna 87
S2 licensed
no blocking or :bump:

defending is ok tho
Last edited by ayrton senna 87, .
ayrton senna 87
S2 licensed
good little movie

but still better than most of the online drivers!
ayrton senna 87
S2 licensed
happy birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!

have a good 'un!!
ayrton senna 87
S2 licensed
omg are u serious?
ayrton senna 87
S2 licensed
i get it!

only (almost) 7 days to go
ayrton senna 87
S2 licensed
drive fast dont crash
ayrton senna 87
S2 licensed
rdm u race at wigan?